Financial Help for Veterinary and Oncology Care

Oakland Veterinary Referral Services (OVRS) is dedicated to charitable giving and community involvement that helps improve animal care in Southeastern Michigan. With core values like passion, integrity, and community outreach, we are constantly striving to offer the best care in the most manageable way.
It is this desire to help our community that led us to create both the TEAR Foundation and the Tear Cancer Fund. These nonprofit organizations provide some financial help for clients who qualify and are struggling to pay for their veterinary or cancer care. It is our hope that these organizations will:

- offer charitable funding toward emergency or oncology care for stray animals that good samaritans bring to us.
- assist qualified pet families with emergency grants to ease the cost of after-hours emergency care or cancer care at OVRS.
- provide funding for research that will ensure the continued advancement of veterinary medicine.
- offer the community education about veterinary medicine that could save the lives of more animals in Southeastern Michigan.
The TEAR Foundation was originally founded to help clients who came into the ER in the middle of the night and needed assistance paying for their services. The money raised with the TEAR Foundation is used to assist these clients paying for emergency services.
The Tear Cancer Fund was set up to help families with pets that are receiving cancer treatment at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services. Founded in 2008, the money raised for this organization is devoted solely to oncology patients and their families who are struggling to pay for their care. The Tear Cancer Fund also supports cancer research to ensure the continued advancement of our oncology services.
If you are interested in learning more about the TEAR Foundation or the Tear Cancer Fund or find out how to donate, please contact us.